the 3r principleS to become a planet-conscious hotel

Most hospitality brands understand that travelers expect more sustainable options but many small to medium sized businesses struggle to deliver.

3 in 5 travelers want to travel more sustainably.

7 in 10 expect the travel industry to offer more sustainable options. 

8 in 10 Southeast Asian travelers prefer small and local businesses over bigger chains.

Although 9 in 10 travel businesses prioritize tackling climate change, 1 in 6 thinks the industry is well-advanced in adopting greener practices.

With 8 in 10 travel businesses are small to medium sized, who have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, the industry’s transition to become climate-conscious looks increasingly harder.

Our answer is: apply the 3R - Reduce, Reuse, Replace - principle in 5 key areas: plastic, food, water, transport, and energy.

Our complete guide features examples from world-leading hospitality brands.

By strategically investing in sustainability-led solutions and guest services, a hospitality brand increase its competitiveness with the next generation of travelers and bolsters its resilience to climate change.

Interested in receiving more stories like above? Subscribe to Asia Sustainable Travel Briefing and be among the first to receive agenda-setting analysis and advice in your inbox.

When you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you with your sustainability journey. 

  1. The Sustainability Certification Program: Increase your sustainability credibility by gaining a globally-recognized sustainability certification.

  2. Decode Asia. From clueless to marketing your brand with confidence to your target Asian travelers. A consulting project to map out your Asia go-to market plan and unlock your growth opportunities today. 

  3. Asia Accelerator. Level up your Asia-focused marketing. A brand audit and future-planning project including one-day workshop with your marketing team to develop your next 3-month Asia marketing plan to accelerate your growth. 

Our consulting service can cover one or several of the following markets: Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Singapore, and Vietnam.




6 steps to decarbonize your business